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Lab Rats (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Lara Croft: Frozen Omen (2015 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Larfleeze (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Last American (1990 Ltd) The (Marvel-Epic)
Last Days of Animal Man (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Last Defenders (2008 Ltd) The (Marvel Comics)
Last One (1993 Ltd) The (DC-Vertigo)
Last Planet Standing (2006 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
LAW (Living Assault Weapons) (1999 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Lazarus (Vol 1) (Image)
Lazarus Five (2005 Ltd) (DC Comics)
League (Vol 1) of Extraordinary Gentlemen (DC Comics)
League (Vol 2) of Extraordinary Gentlemen (DC Comics)
League (Vol 4) of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Tempest (IDW Publishing)
League of Justice (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Leave it to Chance (Vol 1) (Image)
Legend of the Hawkman (2000 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Legend of the Shield (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Legend of Wonder Woman (2016 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Legendary Star-Lord (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Legends (1986 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Legends of the Dark Knight (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Legends of the DC Universe (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Legends of the Legion (1998 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Legends of the Worlds Finest (1994 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Legion (2017 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Legion (Vol 1) The (DC Comics)
LEGION 89 (-94) (DC Comics)
LEGION 89 (-94) Annual (DC Comics)
Legion Lost (2000 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Legion Lost (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Legion of Monsters (2011 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Legion of Night (1991 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Legion of Super-Heroes (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Legion of Super-Heroes (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Legion of Super-Heroes (Vol 3) (DC Comics)
Legion of Super-Heroes (Vol 4) (DC Comics)
Legion of Super-Heroes (Vol 5) (DC Comics)
Legion of Super-Heroes (Vol 6) (DC Comics)
Legion of Super-Heroes Annual (Vol 3) (DC Comics)
Legion of Super-Heroes Illustrated Index (DC Comics)
Legion Science Police (1998 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Legion Worlds (2001 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Legion: Secret Origin (2011 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Legionnaires (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Legionnaires Annual (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Legionnaires One Million (DC Comics)
Legionnaires Three (1986 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Letter 44 (Vol 1) (Oni Press)
Leviathan Dawn (2020 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Lex Luthor: Man of Steel (2005 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Lex Luthor: Year of the Villain (2019 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Liberty Meadows (Vol 2) (Image)
Literals (2009 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Little Red Hot Bound (Vol 1) (Image)
Livewires (2005 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Lobo (1990 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Lobo (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Lobo (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Lobo Annual (1993-1995) (DC Comics)
Lobo Annual (2015) (Marvel Comics)
Lobo/Demon: Helloween Special (1996 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Lobo/Judge Dredd: Psycho-Bikers (DC Comics)
Lobo: A Contract on Gawd (1994 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Lobo: Blazing Chain of Love (1992 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Lobo: Convention Special (1993 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Lobo: I Quit (1995 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Lobo: In the Chair (1994 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Lobo: Infanticide (1992 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Lobo: Portrait of a Victim (1993 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Lobo: Unamerican Gladiators (1993 Ltd) (DC Comics)
LoboCop (1994 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Lobos Back (1992 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Lobster Johnson: A Chain Forged in Life (Dark Horse)
Lobster Johnson: A Scent of Lotus (2013 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Lobster Johnson: Caput Mortum (2012 One Shot) (Dark Horse)
Lobster Johnson: Garden of Bones (2017 One Shot) (Dark Horse)
Lobster Johnson: Get the Lobster (2014 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Lobster Johnson: Mangekyo (2017 One Shot) (Dark Horse)
Lobster Johnson: Metal Monsters of Midtown (Dark Horse)
Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand (2012 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Lobster Johnson: The Pirates Ghost (2017 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Lobster Johnson: The Prayer of Neferu (Dark Horse)
Lockjaw (2018 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Logan (2008 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Logan: Shadow Society (1996 One Shot) (Marvel Comics)
Logans Run (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Lois Lane (2019 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Lois Lane (Vol 1) Supermans Girl Friend (DC Comics)
Loki (2004 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Loki: Agent of Asgard (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Lone (Vol 1) (Dark Horse)
Lone Wolf & Cub (Vol 1) (First Comics)
Lone Wolf 2100 (Vol 1) (Dark Horse)
Loners (2007 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Long Hot Summer (1995 Ltd) (DC-Milestone)
Longshot One Shot (1997 One Shot) (Marvel Comics)
Longshot Saves The Marvel Universe (2013 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Loose Cannon (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Lords of Avalon: Knights of Darkness (2008 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Lords of Avalon: Sword of Darkness (2008 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Lords of the Ultra Realm (1986 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Losers (Vol 1) (DC-Vertigo)
Lost in Space (Vol 1) (Innovation) (Innovation)
Lot 13 (2012 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Loveless (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Low (Vol 1) (Image)
Lucifer (Vol 1) (DC-Vertigo)
Lucifer (Vol 2) (DC-Vertigo)
Luke Cage (Vol 2) (Marvel Comics)
Luke Cage: Noir (2009 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Lunatik (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)