Price Variants
Cover Variants
Newsstand Eds.
CGC Graded
What's New?
Scanned Items
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Babe (1994 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Babylon 5 (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Back to Brooklyn (2008 Ltd) (Image)
Back to the Future (Vol 1) (IDW Publishing)
Backlash (Vol 1) (Image)
Bad Planet (Vol 1) (Image)
Badger (1994 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Badger (Vol 2) (First) (First Comics)
Badger (Vol 3) (Image) (Image)
Badger Goes Berserk! (1989 Ltd) (First Comics)
Badrock & Company (1994 Ltd) (Image)
Balder The Brave (1985 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Ballistic (1995 Ltd) (Image)
Ballistic Action (1996 One Shot) (Image)
Ballistic Imagery (1995 One Shot) (Image)
Baltimore: Widow & The Tank (2013 One Shot) (Dark Horse)
Bane: Conquest (2017 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Bang! Tango (2009 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Barb Wire (Vol 1) (Dark Horse)
Barry Ween: Boy Genius - 2.0 (2000 Ltd) (Oni Press)
Barry Ween: Boy Genius - Monkey Tales (2001 Ltd) (Oni Press)
Bart Simpson Comics (Bongo Comics)
Bastard Samurai (2002 Ltd) (Image)
Batgirl & Birds of Prey (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batgirl (2008 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batgirl (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batgirl (Vol 3) (DC Comics)
Batgirl (Vol 4) (DC Comics)
Batgirl Annual (2000) (DC Comics)
Batgirl: Year One (2002 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batlash (2008 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman (DC Comics)
Batman & Robin Adventures (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman & Superman Worlds Finest (1999 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman & The Mad Monk (DC Comics)
Batman & The Outsiders (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman & The Outsiders (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman & The Outsiders Annual (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman & The Signal (2017 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman (Vol 3) (DC Comics)
Batman 66 (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman 80 Page Giant (1998-99) (DC Comics)
Batman 80 Page Giant 2011 (DC Comics)
Batman Adventures (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Adventures Annual (DC Comics)
Batman Allies Secret Files (2005 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman and Robin (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman and Robin (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman and Robin Eternal (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman and Robin: Futures End (2014 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Annual (DC Comics)
Batman Annual (2012) (DC Comics)
Batman Annual (2016) (DC Comics)
Batman Beyond (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman Beyond (Vol 3) (DC Comics)
Batman Beyond (Vol 4) (DC Comics)
Batman Beyond: Universe (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Beyond: Unlimited (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Chronicles (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Chronicles Gallery (DC Comics)
Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet (1997 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Day of Judgment (DC Comics)
Batman Family (2002 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman Family (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Inc. - Leviathan Strikes (One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Inc. (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Inc. (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman Inc. Special (2013 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Legends (Vol 1) (UK) (Panini Comics)
Batman Legends (Vol 2) (UK) (Panini Comics)
Batman One Million (1998 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Plus Arsenal (DC Comics)
Batman Secret Files (1997 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Strikes (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Villains Secret Files (1998 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman vs Predator II Bloodmatch (1994 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman vs Predator III Bloodties (1997 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman vs Ras Al Ghul (2019 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman Who Laughs (2019 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman Who Laughs: Grim Knight (2019 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Year One Hundred (2006 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman/Catwoman (2020-2021 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman/Deathblow: After the Fire (DC Comics)
Batman/Green Arrow: The Poison Tomorrow (DC Comics)
Batman/Grendel: Devils Bones & Devils Dance (DC Comics)
Batman/Grendel: Devils Riddle & Devils Masque (DC Comics)
Batman/Houdini: The Devils Workshop (DC Comics)
Batman/Huntress/Spoiler: Blunt Trauma (DC Comics)
Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood (DC Comics)
Batman/Joker: Switch (2003 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman/Judge Dredd: The Ultimate Riddle (DC Comics)
Batman/Judge Dredd: Vendetta in Gotham (DC Comics)
Batman/Superman (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman/Superman (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman/Superman Annual (DC Comics)
Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity (2003 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman/Superman: Futures End (2014 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman/Tarzan: Claws of the Catwoman (1999 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Batman/The Shadow (2017 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman/TMNT Adventures (2016 Ltd) (IDW Publishing)
Batman/Wildcat (1997 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: 10 Cent Adventure (2002 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: 12 Cent Adventure (2004 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Asylum Tales of Madness (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Knight - Batgirl/Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Knight - Robin Special (One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Knight (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Knight Annual (2015) (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Knight Genesis (2015 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Unhinged (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Bane of the Demon (1998 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Battle for the Cowl - Arkham Asylum (DC Comics)
Batman: Battle for the Cowl - Commissioner Gordon (DC Comics)
Batman: Battle for the Cowl - Man Bat (DC Comics)
Batman: Black & White (2013 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Blackgate- Isle of Men (1998 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Bullocks Law (1999 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Cacophonoy (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Castle of the Bat (1994 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: City of Light (2003 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Confidential (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Creature of the Night (2017 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Curse of the White Knight (2019 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Dark Allegiances (1996 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Dark Detective (2005 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Dark Victory (1999 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Death & the Maidens (2003 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Eternal (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Europa (2015 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Fear State Omega (2021 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Full Circle (1991 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Futures End (2014 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: GCPD (1996 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gordon of Gotham (1998 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gordons Law (1996 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham Adventures (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham After Midnight (2008 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham City Secret Files (2000 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham County Line (2005 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham Knights (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham Nights (1992 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham Nights II (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Hollywood Knight (2001 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: In Darkest Knight (1994 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Jazz (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Jekyll & Hyde (2005 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Journey into Knight (2005 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Kings of Fear (2018 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: League of Batmen (2001 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (DC Comics)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Annual (DC Comics)
Batman: Lil Gotham (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Manbat (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Nevermore (2003 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: No Mans Land Zero (DC Comics)
Batman: Odyssey (2010 6 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Odyssey (2011 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Orphans (2010 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Orpheus Rising (2001 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Our Worlds at War (2001 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Outlaws (2000 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Rebirth (2016 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne (2010 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Run Riddler Run (1992 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Scar of the Bat (1996 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Secret Files (2018 One Shot) Foil (DC Comics)
Batman: Secrets (2006 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat (DC Comics)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat Annual (DC Comics)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat One Million (DC Comics)
Batman: Sins of the Father (2018 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Streets of Gotham (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Sword of Azrael (1992 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Ankh (2001 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Blue & the Grey & the Bat (DC Comics)
Batman: The Cult (1988 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Dark Knight (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Dark Knight (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Dark Knight III - Master Race (DC Comics)
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Last Crusade (DC Comics)
Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again (2001 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Hill (2000 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Ultimate Evil (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Unseen (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Untold Legend (DC Comics)
Batman: Toyman (1998 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Turning Points (2000 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Two-Face Crime & Punishment (DC Comics)
Batman: Two-Face Strikes Twice (1993 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Universe (2019 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Wedding Prelude - Batgirl vs Riddler (DC Comics)
Batman: Wedding Prelude - Harley vs Joker (DC Comics)
Batman: Wedding Prelude - Nightwing vs Hush (DC Comics)
Batman: Wedding Prelude - Red Hood vs Anarky (DC Comics)
Batman: Wedding Prelude - Robin vs Ras Al Ghul (DC Comics)
Batman: White Knight (2017 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Widening Gyre (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batmans Grave (2019 12 Issue Limited Series) (DC Comics)
Bat-Mite (2015 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Bat-Thing (1997 One Shot) (Amalgam Comics)
Battle Chasers (Vol 1) (Image)
Battle Gods: Warriors of the Chaak (2000 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Battle Hymn (2004 Ltd) (Image)
Battle of the Planets (Vol 1) (Image)
Battle of the Planets/Witchblade (Image)
Battle Pope (Image Vol 1) (Image)
Battle Pope Mayhem (2001 Ltd) (Funk-O-Tron)
Battle Scars (2011 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Battleaxes (2000 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Battlestar Galactica (2013) (Dynamite Entertainment)
Batwing (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batwing: Futures End (2014 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batwoman (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batwoman (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batwoman Annual (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Beast (1997 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Beauty and the Beast (1984 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Before the Four: Grimm & Logan (2000 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Before the Four: Reed Richards (2000 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Before the Four: The Storms (2000 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Before Watchmen: Comedian (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Before Watchmen: Dr Manhattan (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Before Watchmen: Minutemen (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Before Watchmen: Moloch (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Before Watchmen: Nite Owl (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Before Watchmen: Ozymandias (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Berzerkers (1995 Ltd) (Image)
Beware The Batman (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Beware the Creeper (2005 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Beyond! (2006 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Big Daddy Danger (2002 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Billy the Kid (Vol 1) (Charlton)
Birds of Prey (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Birds of Prey (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Birds of Prey (Vol 3) (DC Comics)
Birds of Prey: Manhunt (1996 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Birds of Prey: Ravens- Girl Frenzy (1998 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Bishop (1994 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Bishop Xavier Security Enforcers (1998 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Bishop: The Last X-Man (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Bite Club (2004 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Bite Club: Vampire Crime Unit (2006 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Bizarro (2015 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Black Adam: Year of the Villiain (2019 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Black Axe (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Bat (Dynamite Vol 1) (Dynamite Entertainment)
Black Beetle (2012 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Black Bolt (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Canary (1991 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Black Canary (2007 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Black Canary (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Black Canary (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Black Cat (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Cat (Vol 2) (Marvel Comics)
Black Condor (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Black Dragon (1985 Ltd) (Marvel-Epic)
Black Goliath (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Knight (1990 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Black Knight (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Lamb (1997 Ltd) (DC-Helix)
Black Lightning (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands (2017 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Black Lightning: Year One (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Black Orchid (Vol 2) (DC-Vertigo)
Black Orchid Annual (DC-Vertigo)
Black Order (2018 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther & The Crew (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 2) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 3) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 4) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 5) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 6) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 7) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther vs Deadpool (2018 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther: Man without Fear (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther: World of Wakanda (2017 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Black Sun (2002 Ltd) (DC-Wildstorm)
Black Terror (1989 Ltd) (Eclipse)
Black Widow (2004 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Black Widow (2005 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Black Widow (Vol 2) (Marvel Comics)
Black Widow (Vol 3) (Marvel Comics)
Black Widow: Pale Little Spider (2002 Ltd) (Marvel-Max Comics)
Blackest Night (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackest Night: JSA (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackest Night: Phantom Stranger (2010 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Blackest Night: Superman (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackest Night: The Flash (DC Comics)
Blackest Night: Titans (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackhawk (1988 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackhawk (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Blackhawk (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Blackhawks (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Blacklight (Vol 1) (Image)
Blackmask (1993 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackwulf (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Blade (Vol 2) (Marvel Comics)
Blade of the Immortal (Vol 1) (Dark Horse)
Blaze (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Blaze of Glory (1999 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Blaze: Legacy of Blood (1993 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Blink (2001 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Blood & Shadows (1996 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Blood & Water (2003 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Blood of the Demon (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Blood Pack (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blood Stream (2004 Ltd) (Image)
Blood Syndicate (Vol 1) (DC-Milestone)
Blood: A Tale (1988 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Blood: A Tale (1996 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Bloodbath (1993 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Bloodhound (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine (2013 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Bloodlines (2016 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Bloodshot (Vol 1) (Valiant)
Bloodshot (Vol 2) (Valiant)
Bloodstrike (Vol 1) (Image)
Bloodstrike (Vol 2) (Image)
Bloody Mary (1996 Ltd) (DC-Helix)
Bloody Mary Lady Liberty (1997 Ltd) (DC-Helix)
Blue Beetle (DC Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Blue Beetle (DC Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Blue Beetle (DC Vol 3) (DC Comics)
Blue Beetle (DC Vol 4) (DC Comics)
Blue Beetle: Rebirth (2016 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Blue Devil (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Bob the Galactic Bum (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Bogie Man - The (Fat Man Press)
Bomb Queen (Vol 5) Divine Comedy (Image)
Bombshells United (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Bonds (2007 Ltd) (Image)
Bongo Comics Presents: Radioactive Man Vol 1) (Bongo Comics)
Book of Fate (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Books of Faerie (1997 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Books of Faerie: Auberons Tale (1998 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Books of Faerie: Mollys Story (1999 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Books of Magic (1990 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Books of Magic (Vol 1) (DC-Vertigo)
Books of Magic (Vol 2) (DC-Vertigo)
Books of Magic Annual (Vol 1) (DC-Vertigo)
Books of Magic: Life During Wartime (DC-Vertigo)
Booster Gold (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Booster Gold (Vol 2) The All-New (DC Comics)
Booster Gold One Million (2008 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Border Town (Vol 1) (DC-Paradox Press)
Bounce - The (Vol 1) (Image)
Boys - The (GN) (Softback) (Dynamite Entertainment)
Boys (Vol 1) The (Dynamite Entertainment)
Boys: Highland Laddie (2010 Ltd) (Dynamite Entertainment)
BPRD: 1946 (2008 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: 1947 (2009 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: 1948 (2012 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Black Goddess (2009 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Dead Remembered (2011 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Garden of Souls (2007 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Hell on Earth - Abyss Time (2012 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Hell on Earth - Long Death (2012 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Hell on Earth - Return of Master (2012 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Hell on Earth - Russia (2011 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Hell on Earth Gods (2011 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Hell on Earth New World (2010 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Killing Ground (2007 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: The Warning (2008 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Universal Machine (2006 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Vampire (2013 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: War on Frogs (2008 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Brain Boy (Vol 1) (Dark Horse)
Brainbanx (1997 Ltd) (DC-Helix)
Brass (Image)
Brath (Vol 1) (Crossgen Comics)
Brath Prequel (2003 One Shot) (Crossgen Comics)
Brave & The Bold (1988 Ltd) Best of the (DC Comics)
Brave & The Bold (1992 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Brave & The Bold (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Brave & The Bold (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Brave & the Bold: Batman & Wonder Woman (2018 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Brave Old World (1999 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Breach (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Breakdown (Vol 1) (Devils Due Publishing)
Break-Thru (1993 Ltd) (Malibu)
Breed (1996 Ltd) (Malibu)
Brigade (1992 Ltd) (Image)
Brigade (Vol 1) (Image)
Brigade Source Book (1994 One Shot) (Image)
Brightest Day (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Brilliant (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Brit (Vol 1) (Image)
Brit: Red White Black & Blue (2004 One Shot) (Image)
Broken Trinity (2008 Ltd) (Image)
Brotherhood (Vol 1) The (Marvel Comics)
Bruce Wayne: Road Home - Batman & Robin (DC Comics)
Bruce Wayne: Road Home - Commissioner Gordon (DC Comics)
Bruce Wayne: Road Home - Oracle (DC Comics)
Bruce Wayne: Road Home - Outsiders (DC Comics)
Bruce Wayne: Road Home - Ras Al Ghul (DC Comics)
B-Sides (2002 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Buck Rogers (Dynamic Forces) (Dynamite Entertainment)
Bucky Barnes: Winter Soldier (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Vol 1) (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Vol 2) (Boom Entertainment)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Angel (2001 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Haunted (2001 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Oz (2001 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 10 (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9 (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike & Dru (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike (2012 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow Wonderland (Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Bullet Points (2007 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Bullseye (2017 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Bullseye: Greatest Hits (2004 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Bullwinkle & Rocky (Star Comics) (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Bushido (2013 Ltd) (Image)
Butcher (1990 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Butcher Knight (2000 Ltd) (Image)
Buzzkill (2013 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Babylon 5 (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Back to Brooklyn (2008 Ltd) (Image)
Back to the Future (Vol 1) (IDW Publishing)
Backlash (Vol 1) (Image)
Bad Planet (Vol 1) (Image)
Badger (1994 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Badger (Vol 2) (First) (First Comics)
Badger (Vol 3) (Image) (Image)
Badger Goes Berserk! (1989 Ltd) (First Comics)
Badrock & Company (1994 Ltd) (Image)
Balder The Brave (1985 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Ballistic (1995 Ltd) (Image)
Ballistic Action (1996 One Shot) (Image)
Ballistic Imagery (1995 One Shot) (Image)
Baltimore: Widow & The Tank (2013 One Shot) (Dark Horse)
Bane: Conquest (2017 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Bang! Tango (2009 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Barb Wire (Vol 1) (Dark Horse)
Barry Ween: Boy Genius - 2.0 (2000 Ltd) (Oni Press)
Barry Ween: Boy Genius - Monkey Tales (2001 Ltd) (Oni Press)
Bart Simpson Comics (Bongo Comics)
Bastard Samurai (2002 Ltd) (Image)
Batgirl & Birds of Prey (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batgirl (2008 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batgirl (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batgirl (Vol 3) (DC Comics)
Batgirl (Vol 4) (DC Comics)
Batgirl Annual (2000) (DC Comics)
Batgirl: Year One (2002 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batlash (2008 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman (DC Comics)
Batman & Robin Adventures (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman & Superman Worlds Finest (1999 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman & The Mad Monk (DC Comics)
Batman & The Outsiders (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman & The Outsiders (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman & The Outsiders Annual (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman & The Signal (2017 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman (Vol 3) (DC Comics)
Batman 66 (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman 80 Page Giant (1998-99) (DC Comics)
Batman 80 Page Giant 2011 (DC Comics)
Batman Adventures (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Adventures Annual (DC Comics)
Batman Allies Secret Files (2005 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman and Robin (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman and Robin (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman and Robin Eternal (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman and Robin: Futures End (2014 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Annual (DC Comics)
Batman Annual (2012) (DC Comics)
Batman Annual (2016) (DC Comics)
Batman Beyond (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman Beyond (Vol 3) (DC Comics)
Batman Beyond (Vol 4) (DC Comics)
Batman Beyond: Universe (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Beyond: Unlimited (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Chronicles (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Chronicles Gallery (DC Comics)
Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet (1997 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Day of Judgment (DC Comics)
Batman Family (2002 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman Family (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Inc. - Leviathan Strikes (One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Inc. (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Inc. (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman Inc. Special (2013 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Legends (Vol 1) (UK) (Panini Comics)
Batman Legends (Vol 2) (UK) (Panini Comics)
Batman One Million (1998 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Plus Arsenal (DC Comics)
Batman Secret Files (1997 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Strikes (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman Villains Secret Files (1998 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman vs Predator II Bloodmatch (1994 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman vs Predator III Bloodties (1997 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman vs Ras Al Ghul (2019 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman Who Laughs (2019 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman Who Laughs: Grim Knight (2019 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman Year One Hundred (2006 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman/Catwoman (2020-2021 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman/Deathblow: After the Fire (DC Comics)
Batman/Green Arrow: The Poison Tomorrow (DC Comics)
Batman/Grendel: Devils Bones & Devils Dance (DC Comics)
Batman/Grendel: Devils Riddle & Devils Masque (DC Comics)
Batman/Houdini: The Devils Workshop (DC Comics)
Batman/Huntress/Spoiler: Blunt Trauma (DC Comics)
Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood (DC Comics)
Batman/Joker: Switch (2003 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman/Judge Dredd: The Ultimate Riddle (DC Comics)
Batman/Judge Dredd: Vendetta in Gotham (DC Comics)
Batman/Superman (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman/Superman (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman/Superman Annual (DC Comics)
Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity (2003 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman/Superman: Futures End (2014 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman/Tarzan: Claws of the Catwoman (1999 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Batman/The Shadow (2017 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman/TMNT Adventures (2016 Ltd) (IDW Publishing)
Batman/Wildcat (1997 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: 10 Cent Adventure (2002 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: 12 Cent Adventure (2004 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Asylum Tales of Madness (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Knight - Batgirl/Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Knight - Robin Special (One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Knight (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Knight Annual (2015) (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Knight Genesis (2015 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Arkham Unhinged (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Bane of the Demon (1998 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Battle for the Cowl - Arkham Asylum (DC Comics)
Batman: Battle for the Cowl - Commissioner Gordon (DC Comics)
Batman: Battle for the Cowl - Man Bat (DC Comics)
Batman: Black & White (2013 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Blackgate- Isle of Men (1998 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Bullocks Law (1999 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Cacophonoy (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Castle of the Bat (1994 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: City of Light (2003 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Confidential (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Creature of the Night (2017 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Curse of the White Knight (2019 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Dark Allegiances (1996 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Dark Detective (2005 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Dark Victory (1999 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Death & the Maidens (2003 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Eternal (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Europa (2015 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Fear State Omega (2021 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Full Circle (1991 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Futures End (2014 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: GCPD (1996 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gordon of Gotham (1998 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gordons Law (1996 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham Adventures (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham After Midnight (2008 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham City Secret Files (2000 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham County Line (2005 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham Knights (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham Nights (1992 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Gotham Nights II (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Hollywood Knight (2001 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: In Darkest Knight (1994 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Jazz (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Jekyll & Hyde (2005 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Journey into Knight (2005 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Kings of Fear (2018 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: League of Batmen (2001 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (DC Comics)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Annual (DC Comics)
Batman: Lil Gotham (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Manbat (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Nevermore (2003 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: No Mans Land Zero (DC Comics)
Batman: Odyssey (2010 6 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Odyssey (2011 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Orphans (2010 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Orpheus Rising (2001 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Our Worlds at War (2001 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Outlaws (2000 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Rebirth (2016 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne (2010 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Run Riddler Run (1992 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Scar of the Bat (1996 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: Secret Files (2018 One Shot) Foil (DC Comics)
Batman: Secrets (2006 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat (DC Comics)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat Annual (DC Comics)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat One Million (DC Comics)
Batman: Sins of the Father (2018 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Streets of Gotham (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: Sword of Azrael (1992 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Ankh (2001 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Blue & the Grey & the Bat (DC Comics)
Batman: The Cult (1988 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Dark Knight (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Dark Knight (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Dark Knight III - Master Race (DC Comics)
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Last Crusade (DC Comics)
Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again (2001 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Hill (2000 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Ultimate Evil (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Unseen (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: The Untold Legend (DC Comics)
Batman: Toyman (1998 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Turning Points (2000 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Two-Face Crime & Punishment (DC Comics)
Batman: Two-Face Strikes Twice (1993 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Universe (2019 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Wedding Prelude - Batgirl vs Riddler (DC Comics)
Batman: Wedding Prelude - Harley vs Joker (DC Comics)
Batman: Wedding Prelude - Nightwing vs Hush (DC Comics)
Batman: Wedding Prelude - Red Hood vs Anarky (DC Comics)
Batman: Wedding Prelude - Robin vs Ras Al Ghul (DC Comics)
Batman: White Knight (2017 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batman: Widening Gyre (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Batmans Grave (2019 12 Issue Limited Series) (DC Comics)
Bat-Mite (2015 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Bat-Thing (1997 One Shot) (Amalgam Comics)
Battle Chasers (Vol 1) (Image)
Battle Gods: Warriors of the Chaak (2000 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Battle Hymn (2004 Ltd) (Image)
Battle of the Planets (Vol 1) (Image)
Battle of the Planets/Witchblade (Image)
Battle Pope (Image Vol 1) (Image)
Battle Pope Mayhem (2001 Ltd) (Funk-O-Tron)
Battle Scars (2011 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Battleaxes (2000 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Battlestar Galactica (2013) (Dynamite Entertainment)
Batwing (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batwing: Futures End (2014 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Batwoman (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Batwoman (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Batwoman Annual (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Beast (1997 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Beauty and the Beast (1984 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Before the Four: Grimm & Logan (2000 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Before the Four: Reed Richards (2000 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Before the Four: The Storms (2000 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Before Watchmen: Comedian (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Before Watchmen: Dr Manhattan (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Before Watchmen: Minutemen (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Before Watchmen: Moloch (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Before Watchmen: Nite Owl (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Before Watchmen: Ozymandias (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre (2012 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Berzerkers (1995 Ltd) (Image)
Beware The Batman (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Beware the Creeper (2005 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Beyond! (2006 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Big Daddy Danger (2002 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Billy the Kid (Vol 1) (Charlton)
Birds of Prey (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Birds of Prey (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Birds of Prey (Vol 3) (DC Comics)
Birds of Prey: Manhunt (1996 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Birds of Prey: Ravens- Girl Frenzy (1998 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Bishop (1994 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Bishop Xavier Security Enforcers (1998 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Bishop: The Last X-Man (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Bite Club (2004 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Bite Club: Vampire Crime Unit (2006 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Bizarro (2015 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Black Adam: Year of the Villiain (2019 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Black Axe (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Bat (Dynamite Vol 1) (Dynamite Entertainment)
Black Beetle (2012 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Black Bolt (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Canary (1991 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Black Canary (2007 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Black Canary (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Black Canary (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Black Cat (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Cat (Vol 2) (Marvel Comics)
Black Condor (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Black Dragon (1985 Ltd) (Marvel-Epic)
Black Goliath (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Knight (1990 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Black Knight (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Lamb (1997 Ltd) (DC-Helix)
Black Lightning (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands (2017 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Black Lightning: Year One (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Black Orchid (Vol 2) (DC-Vertigo)
Black Orchid Annual (DC-Vertigo)
Black Order (2018 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther & The Crew (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 2) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 3) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 4) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 5) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 6) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther (Vol 7) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther vs Deadpool (2018 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther: Man without Fear (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Black Panther: World of Wakanda (2017 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Black Sun (2002 Ltd) (DC-Wildstorm)
Black Terror (1989 Ltd) (Eclipse)
Black Widow (2004 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Black Widow (2005 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Black Widow (Vol 2) (Marvel Comics)
Black Widow (Vol 3) (Marvel Comics)
Black Widow: Pale Little Spider (2002 Ltd) (Marvel-Max Comics)
Blackest Night (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackest Night: JSA (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackest Night: Phantom Stranger (2010 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Blackest Night: Superman (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackest Night: The Flash (DC Comics)
Blackest Night: Titans (2009 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackhawk (1988 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackhawk (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Blackhawk (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Blackhawks (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Blacklight (Vol 1) (Image)
Blackmask (1993 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blackwulf (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Blade (Vol 2) (Marvel Comics)
Blade of the Immortal (Vol 1) (Dark Horse)
Blaze (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Blaze of Glory (1999 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Blaze: Legacy of Blood (1993 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Blink (2001 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Blood & Shadows (1996 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Blood & Water (2003 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Blood of the Demon (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Blood Pack (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Blood Stream (2004 Ltd) (Image)
Blood Syndicate (Vol 1) (DC-Milestone)
Blood: A Tale (1988 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Blood: A Tale (1996 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Bloodbath (1993 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Bloodhound (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine (2013 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Bloodlines (2016 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Bloodshot (Vol 1) (Valiant)
Bloodshot (Vol 2) (Valiant)
Bloodstrike (Vol 1) (Image)
Bloodstrike (Vol 2) (Image)
Bloody Mary (1996 Ltd) (DC-Helix)
Bloody Mary Lady Liberty (1997 Ltd) (DC-Helix)
Blue Beetle (DC Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Blue Beetle (DC Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Blue Beetle (DC Vol 3) (DC Comics)
Blue Beetle (DC Vol 4) (DC Comics)
Blue Beetle: Rebirth (2016 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Blue Devil (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Bob the Galactic Bum (1995 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Bogie Man - The (Fat Man Press)
Bomb Queen (Vol 5) Divine Comedy (Image)
Bombshells United (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Bonds (2007 Ltd) (Image)
Bongo Comics Presents: Radioactive Man Vol 1) (Bongo Comics)
Book of Fate (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Books of Faerie (1997 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Books of Faerie: Auberons Tale (1998 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Books of Faerie: Mollys Story (1999 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Books of Magic (1990 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Books of Magic (Vol 1) (DC-Vertigo)
Books of Magic (Vol 2) (DC-Vertigo)
Books of Magic Annual (Vol 1) (DC-Vertigo)
Books of Magic: Life During Wartime (DC-Vertigo)
Booster Gold (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Booster Gold (Vol 2) The All-New (DC Comics)
Booster Gold One Million (2008 One Shot) (DC Comics)
Border Town (Vol 1) (DC-Paradox Press)
Bounce - The (Vol 1) (Image)
Boys - The (GN) (Softback) (Dynamite Entertainment)
Boys (Vol 1) The (Dynamite Entertainment)
Boys: Highland Laddie (2010 Ltd) (Dynamite Entertainment)
BPRD: 1946 (2008 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: 1947 (2009 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: 1948 (2012 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Black Goddess (2009 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Dead Remembered (2011 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Garden of Souls (2007 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Hell on Earth - Abyss Time (2012 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Hell on Earth - Long Death (2012 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Hell on Earth - Return of Master (2012 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Hell on Earth - Russia (2011 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Hell on Earth Gods (2011 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Hell on Earth New World (2010 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Killing Ground (2007 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: The Warning (2008 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Universal Machine (2006 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: Vampire (2013 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
BPRD: War on Frogs (2008 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Brain Boy (Vol 1) (Dark Horse)
Brainbanx (1997 Ltd) (DC-Helix)
Brass (Image)
Brath (Vol 1) (Crossgen Comics)
Brath Prequel (2003 One Shot) (Crossgen Comics)
Brave & The Bold (1988 Ltd) Best of the (DC Comics)
Brave & The Bold (1992 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Brave & The Bold (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Brave & The Bold (Vol 2) (DC Comics)
Brave & the Bold: Batman & Wonder Woman (2018 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Brave Old World (1999 Ltd) (DC-Vertigo)
Breach (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Breakdown (Vol 1) (Devils Due Publishing)
Break-Thru (1993 Ltd) (Malibu)
Breed (1996 Ltd) (Malibu)
Brigade (1992 Ltd) (Image)
Brigade (Vol 1) (Image)
Brigade Source Book (1994 One Shot) (Image)
Brightest Day (Vol 1) (DC Comics)
Brilliant (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Brit (Vol 1) (Image)
Brit: Red White Black & Blue (2004 One Shot) (Image)
Broken Trinity (2008 Ltd) (Image)
Brotherhood (Vol 1) The (Marvel Comics)
Bruce Wayne: Road Home - Batman & Robin (DC Comics)
Bruce Wayne: Road Home - Commissioner Gordon (DC Comics)
Bruce Wayne: Road Home - Oracle (DC Comics)
Bruce Wayne: Road Home - Outsiders (DC Comics)
Bruce Wayne: Road Home - Ras Al Ghul (DC Comics)
B-Sides (2002 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Buck Rogers (Dynamic Forces) (Dynamite Entertainment)
Bucky Barnes: Winter Soldier (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Vol 1) (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Vol 2) (Boom Entertainment)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Angel (2001 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Haunted (2001 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Oz (2001 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 10 (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9 (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike & Dru (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike (2012 Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow Wonderland (Ltd) (Dark Horse)
Bullet Points (2007 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Bullseye (2017 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Bullseye: Greatest Hits (2004 Ltd) (Marvel Comics)
Bullwinkle & Rocky (Star Comics) (Vol 1) (Marvel Comics)
Bushido (2013 Ltd) (Image)
Butcher (1990 Ltd) (DC Comics)
Butcher Knight (2000 Ltd) (Image)
Buzzkill (2013 Ltd) (Dark Horse)