Collecting comics is a great great hobby, and the web is just ram packed with loads of excellent sites related to comic books and collecting. So here are a few of our recommendations for places that are well worth a look.
First up are our own retail operations on Amazon, Ebay, & EBid! Yep we sell on them all, so if you want to browse any of them just click the links below!
Next we'd recommend these comics publisher sites to check out what's happening in the new comic scene!
The following are a few of our favourite comic book resource sites. We've found all of them to be useful for images, prices, news and general research.
There are many many web-sites dedicated to comic book creators. Just type the name of your favourite into a search engine near you and one will pop up. Here are few of our favourites.
And finally, don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Follow @KryptonKomics