Grab Bags from Krypton Comics!
DC Grab Bags – Set A (10 Random DC Comics) £13.95
DC Grab Bags – Set B (20 Random DC Comics) £24.95
Marvel Grab Bags – Set A (10 Random Marvel Comics) £13.95
Marvel Grab Bags – Set B (20 Random Marvel Comics) £24.95
Random Grab Bags – Set A (10 Random American Comics) £9.95
Random Grab Bags – Set B (20 Random American Comics) £14.95
Why Grab-bags?
At Krypton we regularly buy comics in very large quantities,
which we sell
both in our real world shop as well as online. Because we buy so
much we
sometimes end up with individual titles in quantities that are rather
than makes sense to retail in the standard way. For this reason we offer
over stocks via our randomly assorted grab bags at a very very cheap price
per item.
So what do you get?
Each set contains either 10 or 20 different American Comics.
All will be
individually bagged.
They will be
completely random and depend entirely on
which titles we have to clear out.
Most of the comics tend to be by the
mainstream publishers, so you can expect
the likes of Marvel, DC, Image,
Dark Horse, IDW as well as many others. The
comics range from the late 1970’s
until 2014, with the majority being around
the 1990’s–2000’s. The condition
will vary. Some will be lower grade items,
with most being mid to high
There will be NO doubles in any single
It’s a fun and cheap way to get some random comics.
So what are you
waiting for?

Comic Assortment: Random Grab-Bag A (10 comics) #10
Grade: MIX
Price: £ 9.95 +P&P
Standard Cents Cover Price
More than 1 available

Marvel Comics Grab-Bag: Set A (10 random comics) #10
Grade: MIX
Price: £ 13.95 +P&P
Standard Cents Cover Price
More than 1 available